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Supporting Institutions


The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to the development and dissemination of theory, best practices and applications of antenna, radar signature and other electromagnetic measurement technologies. Visit for more information.

AMTA Liaison
Amedeo Cappozoli

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EuMA is developing on a non-profit basis in Europe education, training and research activities to promote microwaves, network scientists and engineers, and expand public awareness and appreciation of microwaves.

EuMA Liaison
Alessandro Galli

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IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society strives for advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronics engineering. The field of interest includes analysis, design, measurement and testing of antennas; radiation, propagation, and the interaction of electromagnetic waves with various applications. 

IEEE Liaison
W. Ross Stone

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We are the IET and we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, we share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. It’s why we are uniquely placed to champion engineering.

IET Liaison

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The 2023 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) will be held from October 30 (Monday) to 2 November (Thursday), 2023, at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ISAP Liaison

Jay Guo


The International Union of Radio Science (URSI - Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) was established in 1919 to cover the discipline of radio science. Since that date it has encouraged the growth of all aspects of the science associated with radio waves. This has become a very large subject with applications ranging from telecommunications to radio astronomy. URSI is interdisciplinary and encompasses both the science of electromagnetic waves and the engineering applications of radio, microwaves and optical waves it is effectively concerned with the science base for telecommunications.

URSI Liaison

Giuliano Manara

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The origins of the University of Florence date back to the Studium Generale set up by the Florentine Republic in 1321. The subjects taught were Civil and Canon Law, Literature, and Medicine. There have been illustrious scholars such as Giovanni Boccaccio, who lectured on the Divina Commedia. In 1859, all the courses were put together and formed the basis for the Istituto Superiore di Studi pratici e di Perfezionamento. Finally, in 1924, it became a University. Nowadays, it is one of the largest and most productive public research systems in Italy. This result is accomplished thanks to the number of permanent and temporary researchers working in a wide range of disciplinary and scientific fields and the numerous junior scientists in training.


Organized by EurAAP

Bronze Sponsors

Supporting Institutions

Silver Sponsors

Further Sponsors

Platinum  Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

EuCAP 2023 - The 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,Firenze, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation - 86c Avenue du Port, box 204 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium

VAT Number BE0880326270

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