17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
26 - 31 March 2023 | Florence, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation

Online registration for EuCAP2023 is closed
Following the recent adoption of increased levels of anti-Froude security on online transactions, some payments could be declined due to technical reasons. Please contact the EuCAP Registration Team for any question about the status of your registration.
For security reasons, you are the ONLY owner of the password provided. The “Forgot password” service is available by logging on “My EuCAP”, in the EuCAP website home page.
Registration categories and fees*
All fees include Lunch and Coffee Breaks, in the morning and in the afternoon, from Monday to Thursday
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
EurAAP Member or Associated Society Member**
715 EUR
825 EUR
Younger Researcher***
385 EUR
385 EUR
2-day registration (consecutive days)*****
550 EUR
(from 14 February 2023)
860 EUR
975 EUR
515 EUR
515 EUR
690 EUR
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
(from 14 February 2023)
Exhibitor Delegates
Included according to package ordered
Stand Personnel (price per day)
100 EUR
100 EUR
Exhibition Visitor (price per day)
50 EUR
60 EUR
EuCAP Perspectives 2023
(The Evolution of Smart Wireless Environments – Research and Industrial Perspectives)
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
EuCAP Perspectives 2023 entrance fee *****
160 EUR
(from 14 February 2023)
160 EUR
One day EuCAP 2023 entrance
(only for those registered for the EuCAP2023 Parallel workshop)
100 EUR
100 EUR
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
Welcome Reception on Monday 27 March 2023
Included in the fee, but registration for the event is required
(from 14 February 2023)
Included in the fee, but registration for the event is required
Conference Dinner on Wednesday 29 March 2023
95 EUR
110 EUR
Get-together Dinner on Tuesday 28 March 2023 (Option 1-3)
50 EUR
50 EUR
Get-together Dinner on Thursday 30 March 2023 (Option 2)
40 EUR
40 EUR
Young Researcher Event on Sunday 26 March 2023
30 EUR
30 EUR
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
(from 14 February 2023)
Welcome Reception on Monday 27 March 2023
25 EUR
25 EUR
Conference Dinner on Wednesday 29 March 2023
110 EUR
130 EUR
Get-together Dinner on Tuesday 28 March 2023 (Option 1-3)
50 EUR
50 EUR
Get-together Dinner on Thursday 30 March 2023 (Option 2)
40 EUR
40 EUR
Early Bird
(until and including 13 February 2023, 23:59 CET)
USB stick with proceedings (available free of charge in online version)
25 EUR
Poster printing service
60 EUR
Conference book in paper version
40 EUR
(from 14 February 2023)
25 EUR
60 EUR
40 EUR
*22% local VAT included.
**Associated societies are AMTA, IEEE, IET, EuMA. Justifications may be requested.
***Young Researchers fee applies to persons up to and including 30 years old.Justifications may be requested.
****Retired person fee applies to persons no longer in employment (including self-employment). Justifications may be requested.
*****2-day registration and EuCAP2023 Parallel Workshop entrance fee cannot be used by authors.
Attendance to all sessions (regular, convened and invited talks) and workshops from Monday 27 March 2023 to Friday 31 March 2023
Access to the exhibition from Monday 27 March 2023 to Thursday 30 March 2023
Conference proceedings (online)*
Access to all pre-recorded presentations for a period of 1 month after the conference
The Welcome Reception on Monday 27 March 2023
Lunch and coffee break, in the morning and afternoon, from Monday, 27 March 2023, to Thursday, 30 March 2023. Coffee break in the morning on Friday, 31 March 2023.
Attendance to the sessions related to the days selected
The refreshments and lunch are offered on the selected days
The Welcome Reception is included when Monday, 27 March, is one of a selected day
This registration cannot be used by authors
Access to keynote, invited speakers, regular, convened sessions and workshops during the conference.
Access to exhibition Monday 27 March to Thursday 30 March.
Lunches and refreshments Monday 27 March to Thursday 30 March.
The Welcome Reception on Monday 27 March.
Access to the exhibition, morning and afternoon refreshments, and the lunch(s) of the selected day(s). The Welcome Reception on Monday, 27 March, is included when the day is selected.
Access to the exhibition, morning and afternoon refreshments and the lunches of the day(s) selected.
EuCAP Goes Green – to enhance the environmental sustainability of EuCAP it has been decided to discard conference bags with paper flyers and advertisement as well as USB stick. USB stick is still available for purchase through the registration.
*Please note that proceedings will be available for download on the conference website prior to the conference. The participants will have the opportunity to read the papers before and on their way to the conference. The papers will also be accessible via the conference app.
At least one of the authors of each paper must register for the full conference. "No shows" or lack of registration fee payment will inhibit publication in the online proceedings. This is valid for regular as well as convened session papers.
Registration must be complete by 27 January 2023. If any paper has not been registered against it will be withdrawn from the technical programme without exception.
Authors may only register against a maximum of 2 papers. If an author has received acceptance for more than 2 papers it is recommended that a co-author registers against those papers to limit the number of presentations required by the same author. Each author/co-author must register separately.
Please note authors’ registrations are non-refundable.
Short Courses :
Short courses are not included in the conference delegate registration.
Each course is 3,5 hours in duration and the registration includes attendance to the short-course
Should less than 5 people register to attend a short course it may be cancelled. The decision will be taken on 26 February 2023. In case of a cancellation by the organisers, the registration fee will be refunded to the delegate with no other compensation.
Sponsors and exhibitors can register to EuCAP 2023 using their discount codes provided to them in order to access registrations included in their package.
Payment :
We recommend that you use the secure online payment by credit card available with the online registration system. Should you pay with a bank transfer, the payment must have reached the EuCAP 2023 bank account no later than 24 February 2023 for early bird registrations and 15 March 2023 for all other registrations.
Authors' payment must have been reached the EuCAP 2023 bank account no later than 6 February 2023
An additional fee of €12 (VAT included) will be charged automatically for a payment with a bank transfer.
Purchase orders are not accepted. Full payment must be completed before access to the conference is allowed. Payment cannot be accepted after the conference
It is possible to add additional purchases or changes to your registration by logging in using the email address and password provided and should you need further assistance you are welcome to contact our customer services team at registration@eucap2023.org, with EuCAP 2023 registration in the subject line.
Cancellation policy:
All refund/cancellation requests must be requested via email to registration@eucap2023.org by February 28th 2023. The registration fee will be refunded minus a handling fee of €60 (VAT included). There will be no refunds after this date.
In case of cancellation no refund can be made. EuCAP 2023 reserves the right to cancel any event in case of force majeure. An event of force majeure means each contingency that is not caused by one of the parties, was unforeseeable at the time of the conclusion of this agreement and renders the further performance of the obligations under this agreement for the conference organizers, EurAAP impossible or substantially more onerous.
Events of force majeure are in any case, but not limited to the following events: acts of God, armed conflicts, social unrest, criminal offence, diseases and epidemic, electricity and telecommunications interruption, economic factors, accidents and governmental measures. EurAAP shall, as soon as practicable but in any event not later than 10 business days from the date at which EurAAP becomes aware of such event of force majeure, expressly notify the delegate of the occurrence of the event of force majeure as well as of its intent to invoke this clause by email to the email address provided at the registration of the delegate.
EurAAP shall, as soon as practicable but in any event not later than 10 business days after the occurrence of each a) and b) below, provide notice to the delegate:a) the cessation of an event of force majeure; and b) its ability to recommence performance of its obligations under this agreement EurAAP has the right to immediately alter or cancel the conference or any arrangements, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly to EurAAP. EurAAP shall be relieved from any contractual or extra-contractual liability as from the occurrence of the event of force majeure.
The information that you provide to EurAAP will be used to ensure we provide you with products and services that best meet your needs. This may include the promotion of EurAAP products and services by post and /or electronic means.

Organized by EurAAP

Supporting Institutions

Further Sponsors
February 26, 2026 : Selection of 12 Short Courses based on number of registrations