17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
26 - 31 March 2023 | Florence, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation

EurAAP Travel Grants for Ukrainian Students
In the frame of the initiative “Solidarity with Ukraine”, which was launched during EuCAP2022, the EurAAP Board of Directors has decided to support up to 5 Ukrainian students authors of an accepted paper at EuCAP2023, with free registration and a contribution to the travel expenses of 250 euro per person. Moreover, they will have the possibility to stay from March 26th to 31st in double rooms at the university residence Camplus (https://www.campluscollege.it/residenze-universitarie/firenze/firenze/) for a very favorable fare of 25euro per night/per person thanks to the solidarity of Camplus.
Application requirements
The application must include (in one single pdf file):
Full name
Email address
Student status (B.Sc, M.Sc, or Ph.D. as well as start and planned end dates)
Name of supervisor
Affiliation in Ukraine
Affiliation outside of Ukraine (if any)
EuCAP 2023 accepted paper number and title
Short motivation for application (max. 250 words)
Moreover, all students are encouraged to apply for the travel grants made available by Ticra, Airbus, IDS, Viasat, see EuCAP2023.
Application deadline
Students of Ukrainian nationality who have authored a paper at EuCAP are encouraged to send an application to euraapukrainetravelgrant@euraap.org before January 30th.
The recipients of the travel allowance will be notified by the 10th of February.
Note: To avoid the necessity of paying in advance the registration as required for authors, they can register to EuCAP2023 before January 27th and they can choose to pay with bank transfer. In case they do not receive the grant they are allowed to cancel the registration.

Organized by EurAAP

Supporting Institutions

Further Sponsors
February 26, 2026 : Selection of 12 Short Courses based on number of registrations