17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
26 - 31 March 2023 | Florence, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation

EuCAP Perspectives 2023
The Evolution of Smart Wireless Environments – Research and Industrial Perspectives
Wednesday 29 March 2023 - Teatrino Lorenese
Smart Wireless Environment technologies (including static passive EM skins, reconfigurable passive EM skins or reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, smart repeaters, etc.) are recently emerging as key enable components of next-generation communication systems.
The growing interest in such technologies from the academic and industrial viewpoint is motivated by the fundamental promise of the Smart Wireless Environment vision, which is the possibility to manipulate the propagation of complex environments according to the communications system needs.
This workshop will be aimed at providing a broad and multi-disciplinary view on
the current trends, the ongoing initiatives, and the research and industrial perspectives in the field.
List of talks:
ALEXIOU Angeliki, University of Piraeus, Greece (alexiou@unipi.gr)
BILOTTI Filiberto, University of Roma TRE, Italy (filiberto.bilotti@uniroma3.it)
OLIVERI Giacomo, University of Trento, Italy (giacomo.oliveri@unitn.it)
DI RENZO Marco, CentraleSupélec and CNRS, France (marco.direnzo@centralesupelec.fr)
CUI Tie Jun, Southeast University, China (tjcui@seu.edu.cn)
LOMBARDI Renato, HUAWEI Technologies, Italy (renato.lombardi@huawei.com)
MACI Stefano, University of Siena, Italy (macis@dii.unisi.it)
RATAJCZAK Philippe, Orange, France (philippe.ratajczak@orange.com)
SCIANCALEPORE Vincenzo, NEC, Germany (vincenzo.sciancalepore@neclab.eu)
TRETYAKOV Sergei, Aalto University, Finland (sergei.tretyakov@aalto.fi)
Workshop Organizers :
BILOTTI Filiberto
Università di Roma TRE, Italy
CNRS & CentraleSupelec - Paris-Saclay University, France
ELEDIA Research Center (ELEDIA@UniTN), University of Trento, Italy
Download the EuCAP Perspectives 2023 Flyer
To register for the EuCAP Perspectives 2023 "The Evolution of Smart Wireless Environments – Research and Industrial Perspectives" please click here :
During the registration it is possible to register only for the Parallel Workshop or also purchase the entrance to the EUCAP2023 conference for the same day as the Parallel Workshop.
Participation in the EuCAP Perspectives 2023 is free of charge for registered EuCAP2023 delegates.

Organized by EurAAP

Supporting Institutions

Further Sponsors
February 26, 2026 : Selection of 12 Short Courses based on number of registrations