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ESoA Best Teacher Award

The ESoA best teacher of the year, established in 2012, has been till recently considered an internal ESoA matter. This award is based exclusively on the evaluation forms filled out from a large number of students; it is therefore a bottom up result.

Since 2019, this unique award in the world, is now given by EurAAP during the EuCAP week.

For more information on the ESoA Best Teacher Award; please see the EurAAP homepage. 


Organized by EurAAP

Bronze Sponsors

Supporting Institutions

Silver Sponsors

Further Sponsors

Platinum  Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

EuCAP 2023 - The 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,Firenze, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation - 86c Avenue du Port, box 204 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium

VAT Number BE0880326270

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