17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
26 - 31 March 2023 | Florence, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation

Call for Papers
EuCAP is the largest and most relevant antennas and propagation conference in Europe. It attracts more than 1400 participants from academia and industry, and more than 50 industrial exhibitors, from all over the world. It is a great forum for exchanging new technical-scientific achievements, demonstrating state-of-the-art technology, and establishing and strengthening professional networks. The 2023 host country, Italy, has a strong antennas and propagation community both in academia and industry.
For centuries, millions of intellectuals, pioneers, traders, and artisans have been passing through Florence with the desire to stay, leaving their works as a gift. The Renaissance marked the beginning of this synergy between the city and its visitors. Its evolution, nowadays, is defined as quality congress tourism, for which delegates specialized in the most varied and fundamental disciplines come from all over the world in search of a stimulating, amazing, and above all tailor-made experience.
Florence is a perfect location since it represents modernity in a historical environment, offering all the facilities of a modern city but in a renaissance environment rich in suggestive scenarios. This feature, the lively cultural atmosphere, the excellent Italian food, and the Mediterranean spring climate will offer an unforgettable experience to all the participants. The congress centre is only a 12-minute walk from the Duomo Cathedral, which can be considered the centre of Florence.
The conference will comprise:
Plenary sessions with invited and keynote speakers
Oral sessions (both convened and regular)
Poster sessions
Short courses
Industrial and scientific workshops
Industrial exhibition
The EuCAP Conference Organising Committee, the EuCAP Steering Committee, and EurAAP are committed to returning to the classic “on-site” format. In any case, the EuCAP Conference Organising Committee and EurAAP are carefully monitoring the worldwide development of COVID-19 and are already taking all the necessary steps to enable virtual presentations and other online elements for those who may not be in a position to attend EuCAP 2023 physically.
Aiming at increasing the interaction between academia and industry, the conference will feature session tracks focused on front-line applications.
For EuCAP 2023 there will be a Best Student Paper Award and four Best Paper Awards in the categories Antennas, Electromagnetics, Propagation, and Measurement.
A limited number of grants covering both travel and registration will be offered to selected authors of high-quality papers.
The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) is strongly involved in the conference. AMTA will contribute with invited speakers, provide convened sessions, cooperate in the application tracks, and sponsor the technical tours.
As in previous editions, authors can apply for the publication of the EuCAP augmented paper in a special issue of the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (EuMA) during the submission process. Please see the conference home page for more information.
The conference will provide numerous opportunities for exhibitors and sponsors, according to their strategic visibility and publicity targets. Coffee breaks and lunches will be served in the exhibition area to increase the interaction between participants and exhibitors. Please, see the sponsors and exhibition web page.
Authors are invited to submit online papers with a minimum length of two and a maximum length of five A4 pages. The paper must contain enough information for the Technical Programme Committee and reviewers to assess the quality of the work in a single acceptance/rejection review process. Accepted papers can be modified according to the reviewers’ comments.
Submit your paper online at www.eucap2023.org no later than 14 October 2022. The submission requires an EDAS® account, which is free. Presented papers will be proposed for inclusion in IEEE Xplore if the authors choose this option during the submission process. Compliance with the IEEE format is mandatory in this case.
Registration before 27 January 2023 is required for presenting authors. A delegate cannot register more than two papers in his/her name as “presenting author.”
Please recall the EurAAP policy for EuCAP: there will be no extension of the paper submission deadline; late or updated submissions will not be accommodated after the deadline.
First Call: 5 July 2022
Paper Submission Deadline: 14 October 2022
Paper Acceptance Notification: 19 December 2022

Organized by EurAAP

Supporting Institutions

Further Sponsors
February 26, 2026 : Selection of 12 Short Courses based on number of registrations