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Call for Convened Session

Convened session guidelines

We have great pleasure in announcing that EuCAP 2023 is now open for convened session proposals. The proposal including a mandatory provisional list of authors must be submitted no later than the deadline (20 June, 2022) using the template available below. Notification of acceptance is to be sent on 2 July, 2022.

Proposers are expected to chair their Convened Session.


Proposers should try to meet one or more of the following criteria to increase the chance of the session being accepted:​

  • Balance between EU and non-EU contributions​

  • Significant participation of industry, especially in application/industry oriented sessions

  • ​Dedicated sessions will be favourably considered if they are appropriately defined, e.g. with a regional/application focus such as: “State of the art in mobile antenna research in continent X”, or centred on an aspect of a relevant technology, such as: “Industrialisation aspects of metamaterial-based antennas”. However, be aware that a scientific/industry workshop may be a better forum in some cases.

Rules for proposers

Convened sessions must be an open forum. To that aim, conveners should refrain from having too many papers from their organisations. The rules below should be seen as providing absolute maxima, not targets:    

​(a) 5/6 paper sessions: max. 1 Paper from each convener and max. 2 papers from the convener’s institutions leaving a minimum of 3/4 papers from authors outside the institutions of the two conveners

​(b) 10/12 paper sessions: max. 2 papers from each convener (max. of 1 to be for each convener as presenter) and a maximum 4 papers in total for the two convener’s institutions (flexibly distributed among the two convener’s institutions) leaving a minimum of 6/8 papers for authors from outside the convener’s institutions

Conveners may solicit one “overview” paper for a 5-paper session or two for a full 10-paper session. Such papers need not necessarily contain new results, and their quality will mainly be evaluated on the proper coverage of the topic (e.g. not only work from the author’s institution but also that from the general scientific community). Such papers should be reserved for authors having the proper background and recognition to achieve an authoritative overview. It is stressed that this is a possibility but by no means an obligation. All remaining papers must present novel scientific content and are subject to a peer review process.  

In addition, the proposers must be aware that the session may be cancelled if the number of accepted papers is too low.​

When soliciting authors, please avoid confusion with EuCAP “invited papers”. In addition, convened speakers and conveners should be informed that they will need to register for the conference at the EuCAP 2023 website.​

Paper Submission

All papers must be submitted by 14 October, 2022 and should conform to the same specifications as regular papers. The authors cannot be changed after submission and in case of “no show” the paper will not be included in the IEEE-Xplore digital library.


Download form


Please complete and submit by 20 June, 2022 in PDF format to for evaluation by the Convened Session Chairs

Selection criteria

The selection process of convened session proposals will be based on a set of criteria including:​

  • Experience and International recognition of  the conveners and solicited authors​

  • Topic of the session, taking into account the scientific content, innovation, the topical character, the level of expected audience interest, and potential overlap with competing proposals​

  • Adherence to the above guidelines​

  • Quality with respect to competing proposals

The selection criteria and other constraints may mean a proposal is rejected despite its value and the reputation of the conveners. A 10-paper proposal may need to be changed into a 5-paper proposal, to be accepted.

Review Process

We expect that contributions submitted to convened sessions are of high quality. Convened session papers will go through strictly the same peer review process as the one implemented for regular papers.​

One of the conveners must act as a meta-reviewer for the papers related to his/her session and will be invited through EDAS. The convener acting as the meta-reviewer must be specified in the proposal. In case this convener does not receive the EDAS invitation by 10 November, 2022 please contact the Convened Session Chairs at

Please note that for EuCAP 2023, and to ensure the same quality control as regular papers (including plagiarism and self-plagiarism), convened session papers will be meta reviewed by one of the conveners (except for the conveners’ own papers and conveners’ institutions’ papers), as well as another meta reviewer.


Organized by EurAAP

Bronze Sponsors

Supporting Institutions

Silver Sponsors

Further Sponsors

Platinum  Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

EuCAP 2023 - The 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,Firenze, Italy

European Association on Antennas and Propagation - 86c Avenue du Port, box 204 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium

VAT Number BE0880326270

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